Business Energy Claim Calculator

    Business Energy Claims Scandal Reported by The Times Newspaper Headline
    Business Energy Claims Scandal Reported by the Express Newspaper Headline
    27th July 2024

    Your business could recover funds owing to wrongly sold energy contracts.

    Businesses have claimed £1000's for mis-sold energy contracts.

    Find out if your business qualifies for energy refunds.

    Average business energy claim is currently £25k+

    Case Study: Business Energy Claim


    A manufacturing business, mid-sized company located in Birmingham, had been using the same energy broker for five years to manage their business energy contracts. They had always trusted that their broker was obtaining the best possible deals on their behalf. However, after noticing irregularities in their energy bills, they decided to seek a second opinion.


    The main challenge was to determine whether the business had been overpaying on its energy contracts due to hidden fees or mis-sold contracts. They approached HMEC Online to thoroughly review their past and present energy contracts and bills to identify any irregularities and pursue a business energy claim if necessary.


    Our team of experts at HMEC meticulously analysed the energy contracts and bills over the past five years. We found several instances where the business had been charged hidden broker fees that were built into their energy rates, which had not been clearly disclosed by their energy broker.

    After a careful review, it was clear that the business was entitled to make a substantial business energy claim due to the mis-sold contracts and hidden fees.


    HMEC helped the Manufacturing business file a business energy claim, which resulted in a significant refund of over £50,000. This case served as a wake-up call for the business, which has since been more diligent in reviewing its energy contracts and ensuring transparency from its broker.

    In addition to the financial recovery, the case also resulted in substantial long-term savings for the business, as they are now more aware of the potential for hidden fees and can ensure they are getting the most cost-effective energy contracts.


    This case study demonstrates how important it is for businesses to review their energy contracts and understand all the charges they are paying. If in doubt, seeking expert help can result in significant savings and refunds. HMEC Online is dedicated to helping businesses make successful business energy claims and ensuring they are not overpaying on their energy contracts.